Nordic Cuisine

Nordic Cuisine is built upon the 4000 years history of time. Early pioneers that came seeking a Northern hemisphere paradise. Northern paradise it is, natural resources from the land, air, rivers, lakes and the Sea.

Nordic Cuisine is built upon the 4000 years history of time. Early pioneers that came seeking a Northern hemisphere paradise. Northern paradise it is natural resources from the land, air, rivers, lakes, and the Sea.

Human beings contribute very little to life resources on the planet earth, not even from the basic ingredients like water, oxygen, and sunlight. The environment for life was well prepared, arranged and orchestrated, but not served on a silver platter.

To survive in the Northern hemisphere without the conveniences of the modern world is tough, natural building resources need to be discovered, found, and utilized.  Long 6-month winter does test the commitment to live under hard, cold, and sometimes adverse climate conditions.  Prevention is better than cure, health has to be secured and protected, and the bugs eliminated that persistently work against healthy physical life.   

Natural food resources provide minerals, vitamins, and the entire range of nutrition for those that understand and respect the connection between food, nutrition, and good active physical healthy lifestyle.

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Natural Nordic Nutrition Video

Natural Nordic Nutrition Video

Natural Nordic Nutrition from the Baltic Herring festival on the East Coast Satakunta.  Glow baked salmon is a traditional cooking method of wild Salmon that is enjoyed on the Finnish culture over many thousands of years. Glow baked is a unique cooking method that enables large amount of fish cooked relatively quickly  and without the need for elaborate kitchens and cooking equipment.

Glow Baked Salmon IS a Traditional Cooking Method.

Glow bake cooking method takes about 1 – 1-5 hours to cook a full size, 2-4 kg salmon filet. The excessive fat drips off, and the fish is cooked slowly at slowly increasing temperature.  Fishermen would go North to the Arctic waters and from there into the River systems of Norway and North Finland to catch wild salmon that were 20-30 size, as recently as the 70’s. back in the 60’s and the 70’s the 30 kilo salmon were caught as regular as the 20 kg salmon are caught now days on the River Teno.

Fantastic way to cook Wild salmon while on a fishing trip

Glow baking salmon is by far the best method to enjoy cooking full size salmon fillets cooked fresh while camping on the river shore. There is the open fire place, with large filet of salmon being cooked on open fire and the one hour cooking process produces aromas and visually attractive creating an appetite for all that observe it.  There is no other cooking method for wild salmon that compares with glow balked salmon.

Skill experience required

Like all cooking requires skill, it is not difficult but it needs to have sensibilities to the flesh of the fish, the fat and the heat of the fire.  The distance of the fire to the fish also needs to be correct. Most people without prior experience would place the fish too close. It should be about 100 – 75 cm distance. Far enough to hold a bare hand there for about 7-8 seconds without burning sensation.

The fire needs to be started before the fish is placed in position on a plank. There should be enough coals to keep the heat up for 15-20 minutes. The red hot coals produce steady heat that is consistent for the cooking of the flesh of the fish.

Happy New Year 2018.